Overcoming Study Procrastination: Strategies For When You Just Don’t Feel Like Studying


When it comes to studying, there’s a common refrain among students: “I don’t feel like studying.” It’s a struggle we’ve all faced, especially when deadlines loom. We often find ourselves procrastinating until the last minute, leading to rushed and ineffective study sessions. But how can you break free from this cycle of “not feeling like it” when it’s time to hit the books?

Understanding the purpose of studying

The first step in conquering procrastination is reminding yourself of the importance of what you’re about to do. Feeling too lazy to exercise? Think about your fitness goals. Dreading work? Focus on your career prospects and the financial stability they provide.

The same principle applies to studying. Even if you don’t feel like it, consider your upcoming exams and the role education plays in your life. Whether you’re pursuing a medical career or any other path, education will always be an asset. An educated individual is highly valued in society, and in the short term, good grades, competition with peers, parental expectations, and mental fortitude all depend on studying.

Furthermore, learning enhances your brain’s capabilities. It’s a way for students to showcase their skills, so even when motivation is low, remember the broader purpose.

Tips For Studying When You’re Unmotivated

  1. Keep Study Sessions Short: Setting a time limit for study sessions is crucial. Long, daunting sessions can be overwhelming and lead to procrastination. Try limiting your sessions to 30 minutes each, with short breaks in between. Research suggests that shorter, focused bursts of studying are more effective.
  2. Self-Motivation: Even when you acknowledge the importance of studying, motivation can be elusive. Try revitalizing your motivation by exploring new study methods and making the process interesting. Watch motivational videos before starting your study session to kickstart your energy and focus.
  3. Establish a Study Routine: Motivation often dwindles over time, especially if it relies on external sources like motivational videos. Instead, build a routine that relies on discipline and commitment. Incorporate your study goals into your daily habits to make studying a consistent part of your life.
  4. Engage in Physical Activity: When deadlines and assignments loom, physical activity like walking or going to the gym can be invigorating. It calms the mind, sparks creativity, and improves focus. Even a short walk can provide mental clarity and boost concentration.
  5. One Task at a Time: List all your study tasks for the day, and tackle them one by one. Prioritize and focus on completing one task at a time, dedicating your full attention to each. This approach ensures you maintain your focus and avoid feeling overwhelmed.
  6. Tidy Up Your Workspace: A cluttered study area can contribute to feelings of clumsiness and procrastination. Clean up your workspace, removing distractions, and keeping only the essentials within reach. A clean and organized environment promotes concentration and productivity.
  7. Just Start: Once you’ve prepared your study space and gathered your materials, don’t hesitate to begin. Often, the initial reluctance fades once you’ve started working. Even if you start with a rough, unstructured beginning, it’s better than not starting at all.
  8. Acknowledge and Accept Negative emotions. When negative feelings like procrastination or self-doubt emerge, acknowledge them. Accept that these emotions are normal, but choose to move forward despite them. You have the freedom to act despite how you feel.
  9. Don’t Obsess Over Perfection: Don’t evaluate your progress or demand perfection during unmotivated study sessions. Focus on completing the task at hand rather than assessing your performance. Your goal is to finish, not to excel, during these moments.
  10. Reward Yourself: After successfully completing a study session, reward yourself. The reward can be as simple as watching your favorite show or enjoying a treat. This positive reinforcement can help motivate you for future sessions.
  11. Experiment: If you’re a self-critical person, try different techniques to reduce study anxiety. Explore various methods to discover what works best for you in overcoming procrastination.


In conclusion, overcoming the “I don’t feel like studying” mindset requires a combination of motivation, discipline, and effective study strategies. By understanding the significance of your studies, creating a routine, and implementing these tips, you can conquer procrastination and make the most of your study time, even on days when motivation is low. Remember, consistency and perseverance are keys to academic success.


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