10 Cheap Diploma Courses In Canada For International Students


Which diploma course is best in Canada for international students? If you are considering studying in Canada, there’s no need to worry about the cost of tuition. The cost of living in Canada is quite low compared to other countries, and the availability of student loans makes it easier for international students to pursue higher education. But if you are wondering about some cheap diploma courses in Canada that can help you save some money while studying abroad, here is a list of 10 cheap diploma courses offered by accredited institutions:

Cheapest diploma courses in Canada for international students

1. Nursing Practice in Canada at Langara College

Unlike other nursing programs in Canada, the Nursing Practice in Canada program is offered as a certificate program. This means that students will earn their degree after completing only two semesters of study. The cost of tuition fees for international students is $5,600 CAD per semester and they can be paid either semester-by-semester or upfront for both semesters at once.

The course requires applicants to have previous knowledge of English or French, but this requirement can be waived if you are able to demonstrate competency through a language test (such as TOEFL). In terms of prerequisites, students should have completed high school courses in math and science before applying for this program. Applicants will also need proof that they have completed an accredited first aid course within three years prior to starting the course itself.

Upon completion of the program, graduates can apply for registration as Registered Nurses with British Columbia College of Registered Nurses (BCCRN).

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2. Human Service Diploma at North Island College

At North Island College, students can take a Human Service Diploma course that focuses on the social services sector and the needs of those under its care. The course is designed to teach students how to work with vulnerable populations in a variety of different situations. Students will learn about human rights issues, as well as how to recognize when abuse or neglect may be occurring within society.


The school has campuses spread across Nanaimo, BC, and Courtenay, BC; these locations make it easy for international students from around the world to get enrolled in this diploma program at no cost! Additionally, if you are looking for cheap tuition fees then North Island College might be right up your alley since tuition fees only total $8,000 per year which makes it one of Canada’s most affordable colleges!

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3. Designing for Fashion Diploma at Toronto Film School

Toronto Film School’s Designing for Fashion diploma program is a full-time diploma program that allows you to gain the skills needed to become a designer. The program is available on campus and online, which gives you flexibility in pursuing your education. It is also offered in the Fall, Spring, and Summer terms so that international students can begin their studies at any time of year. The program is accredited by the Canadian Association of Career Colleges (CACC), ensuring that its curriculum meets industry standards and courses are up-to-date with trends in design.

The coursework consists of three areas: design basics, pattern making/drafting techniques, and garment construction techniques such as draping or cutting out patterns from fabric (cutting lines). Each class will give you an opportunity to learn about different topics through lectures or hands-on exercises like sketching or sewing clothing samples based on your own designs using measurement charts provided by instructors at Toronto Film School’s Designing for Fashion Diploma Program.

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4. Journalism at St. Clair College of Applied Arts & Technology

St. Clair College of Applied Arts and Technology offers a Bachelor of Arts program in Journalism. It’s an accredited course, which means it will be recognized by universities worldwide as part of your bachelor’s degree.

The cost for international students to complete this program is about $4,500 CAD per year (in 2019). This includes tuition fees, accommodations, and meals, but doesn’t include books or other expenses like transportation costs.

If you’re interested in studying journalism at St. Clair College but don’t have enough money to pay for all four years of tuition at once—or if you’re looking for scholarships or bursaries to help cover some or all of your expenses—you can apply for financial aid through their Student Awards Office if you meet their eligibility requirements.

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5. Fine Arts Diploma at North Island College

North Island College is an English-language college in British Columbia. The college offers a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, which is a four-year program that includes courses such as art history and criticism, contemporary art practices and theory, design principles for the media arts, and others.

The cost of tuition fees for this program at North Island College is approx. $4,000 per year. This Diploma course duration is 2 years full-time or part-time – 20 months (2 semesters) plus 1-semester internship if required by your employer.

Course Description:

This diploma prepares students who have little or no experience with visual communication to work as graphic designers in different kinds of organizations or businesses within the field of visual communication (e.g., advertising agencies). They will learn how to use computer software applications such as Adobe Photoshop CC, Adobe Illustrator CC, InDesign CS6, Dreamweaver CS6, Flash Professional CS6, Acrobat 8 Professional (PDF files), Microsoft Word 2013, HTML5, CSS3, and others. JavaScript jQuery Frameworks Bootstrap Foundation Zurb Foundation AngularJS jQuery Mobile Angular UI.

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6. Certificate in Construction Management at Centennial College

  • Cost of tuition fees: $6,000 (Canadian).
  • Can be taken online or on campus.
  • Does not require previous experience in construction.
  • Course Description: This program will give students the opportunity to learn more about the construction industry and its challenges, as well as how to manage projects successfully. The course covers project planning, budgeting, and scheduling; contract administration; risk management; procurement; quality assurance/control systems; communication skills/written reports; human resources and employment standards legislation for non-unionized workplaces. You will also learn about site safety practices during construction operations to work safely on a job site. At the end of this program, you should have gained some essential tools to help run a successful business venture or start your own company at home!

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7. Accounting and Payroll Administrator Certificate

You can study for this program at Vancouver Community College. The total cost of tuition fees per year is $5,780. The minimum number of credits required to graduate from this course is 24. The duration of this course is one year, and there are no prerequisites needed to enroll in the program. Credits earned from this certificate program will not transfer to other institutions and will not count towards a bachelor’s degree or master’s degree, but they can be counted as part of a student’s applied degree (diploma). The diploma program has a full-time status, so students must attend classes on campus at least half-time each semester, as well as other mandatory meetings such as exams and projects, interviews etcetera.

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8. Dental Hygiene at Fanshawe College

Dental hygiene is a great choice if you’re interested in working with your hands and in an environment that requires active patient engagement. If you like the idea of helping people improve their oral health, it’s worth considering this program.

Besides the obvious perks of having a career where you’ll be surrounded by laughing and smiling faces, dental hygienists have a very high employment rate. They’re also paid well above the average salary for all occupations, which means that if your goal is to make money while doing something meaningful with your life, becoming a dental hygienist could be one of the best choices out there for you.

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9. Horticulture Technology at Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) is a British Columbia-based institute that offers a two-semester program in horticulture technology. The cost of tuition fees for an international student is $2,000 per semester and the program consists of 20 credits each semester. It also has a minimum requirement of 10 credits per semester in order to be eligible for graduation.

The curriculum includes topics like plant propagation, plant biology, plant nutrition, and soil science. Students are expected to complete one year or 700 hours at KPU’s Greenhouse Innovation Centre where they will have access to various equipment such as greenhouses and microclimate chambers that allow them to work on projects related to greenhouse management systems and other related fields such as landscaping.

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10. Hospitality Management Diploma

The cost of tuition fees for this program is $13,000. The duration of this program is 2 years. A high school diploma or equivalent is required for admission. The program structure is flexible and allows you to complete it in one year or two years, depending on your experience and learning pace.

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How much does a diploma cost in Canada for international students?

The cost of tuition fees for one academic year depends on the program and institution you choose. Typically, the cost is calculated per semester or per year.

The tuition fee range can be anywhere between $1,500 to $6,000 per semester (or year). If you are looking to pursue a diploma course in Canada that costs less than $6,000 per year, then consider these colleges:

  • Athabasca University – Diploma programs start at just over $4,000 for a two-year program.
  • Cape Breton University – The Bachelor of Technology in Automotive Mechanics begins at about $4,400 per year.


If you are looking for a cheap diploma in Canada, there is no dearth of options. The country offers many affordable courses in various fields and disciplines. So, if you want to pursue your higher education but don’t have much money, then these degrees are perfect for you. You can save up to 50% of the cost with these degrees as compared to other countries like the US or UK where the cost can be double or even triple what it would be here in Canada!

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