How Big Is 5 Inches? (Using Real-Life Examples)


There are several questions about measurement that has to do with 5 and in the unit of measurement inches. A number of students have asked us to know what object is 5 inches, how big is 5 inches on a ruler, 5 inches compared to a hand, and examples of things that are 5 inches tall or wide.

From the currency, we use to cards and a number of other objects, there is a lot within the measurement of 5 inches. Let’s take a look at some of the examples below, to figure out how big 5 inches is.

1. A deck of cards is about five inches.

A deck of cards is about five inches. That’s about the height of a standard playing card, and it’s used for many different things.

A deck of cards is made up of 52 cards: the Ace, King (or Queen), Knave (or Jack), Ten (10), Nine (9) and Eight (8). A standard deck has four suits on each side: spades for clubs at one end; hearts for diamonds at the other. There are also jokers that come in both red or black ink depending on which type you’re using to play your game or trick!

2. A tennis ball is about five inches.

A tennis ball is about five inches. It’s about the size of a baseball and about the size of a softball, but it’s definitely not as big as a soccer ball. The tennis ball is a good example to know how big is 5 inches around.

3. An Xbox controller is about five inches.

The Xbox controller is about 5 inches wide, 10 inches long and 3.5 inches tall. It has two analog sticks along with a D-pad, which makes it useful for playing games on the console or even on other devices like your PC or mobile phone.


The size of an Xbox controller can vary depending on how you want to use it: if you just want to play games on your TV then this might be all that matters but if you’re going out and about then having something smaller would be nice too!

4. A paperback book, diagonally from corner to corner, is about five inches.

The length of a paperback book, diagonally from corner to corner, is about five inches. That’s just the width of a sheet of paper folded in half and held together with glue—not including any extra material like cover boards or dust jackets!

A hardcover book is about six inches long for its height (the height is measured from the bottom edge). A large print book measures seven inches long by three inches wide; small print books are only four inches wide by two inches high.

5. The width of a DVD case is about five inches.

The width of a DVD case is about five inches. This means that the width of a DVD case is the same size as a CD case, and also the same size as a VHS tape. It’s really cool to see how it all fits together!

6. The width of an album is 5 inches.

The width of an album is 5 inches.

The height of an album is 7 inches.

The length of an album is 12 inches, which means it’s a little bit longer than a CD case but shorter than a DVD case. Because of this, you can put more stuff inside it! (Thanks for that.) And if you’re worried about your eyesight or whatever else might be wrong with you and want to make sure that everything looks good on your wall or wherever else you might put this thing…well…there are lots of different sizes available so there won’t be any issues at all!

7. Five is a pretty big measurement in a lot of ways.

Five is a pretty big number to be sure, but it’s not the largest. There are six and seven too! In fact, five is only one of two numbers that have only two different digits (the other being 0). Five also happens to be one of only three positive integers (along with 1 and 2) that can’t be expressed as a product of any other positive integer less than or equal to their square root (i.e., 5 * 4 = 25).

Five is even more significant in math because it represents how many sides each side has on its own pentagon (itself represented by 5), which makes up half of all geometric shapes: squares, triangles, and so on—and they’re all based on this simple idea!


We’ve come a long way since we first learned that five is a really tall number. It’s now the standard by which other measurements are measured, and we use it all over our daily lives.

So next time you feel like taking out some tape measure and comparing your height with someone else’s, remember: you can make fun of people all you want—but at least they have the same number of inches as you do!

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