What Techniques Could The Scrum Master Use?


What techniques could the Scrum Master use when the scrum team gets caught in an internal disagreement about which agile?

In today’s post, we will be discussing what is the most effective way a Scrum Master can keep a scrum team working at its highest level of productivity and the best characteristics of an effective Scrum Master.

Scrum is a framework for developing software. It’s made up of the following elements:

Scrum Master – The person who owns the application and ensures it gets built on time

Product Owner – The person responsible for defining what needs to be done in order to deliver value to their customers or stakeholders

Development Team – These are people who will work together to develop software according to those requirements laid out by the Product Owner using Agile best practices such as iterative development and constant feedback loops between customers, developers, and stakeholders through daily standups meetings where everyone can share any issues they may have encountered throughout their day with colleagues across different departments within an organization, which helps everyone stay accountable while working towards achieving common goals within an agreed-upon timeframe (typically 24 weeks).


Whether you’re looking for What is the Scrum Master responsible for during the Sprint Retrospective or Scrum Master strengths and weaknesses, this is the right post for you.

10 best techniques used by the best Scrum Masters

The Scrum Master is a servant leader, not a manager or project manager. This means that he or she must focus on the success of the team and help them achieve it through coaching, mentoring, and guiding them to make better decisions.

The Scrum Master also helps remove impediments from their path so they can move forward more efficiently with less friction in their journey towards achieving their vision.

1. Use an Information Radiator

An information radiator is a tool that allows the team to share information with each other. It can be as simple as having one person write down any questions or comments on a whiteboard, but it can also be more complex.

For example, one way to use an information radiator is by creating an online forum where all members of your team can post their thoughts or questions about certain topics. Then, other members of the team will reply with their answers and help explain things further if necessary.

This helps keep everyone focused on what’s most important—and prevents wasted time trying to figure out how things should be done instead of doing them!

2. Encourage Self-Organisation

Self-organization is a key principle of Scrum. Self-organization is a way of working in which people are empowered to make decisions and solve problems. This can be achieved by giving people the freedom to work on their own time, without waiting for instructions from above or from their peers.

Self-organization helps you to be more productive because it allows you to focus on what’s important rather than wasting time waiting for others who may not be able to deliver what they promised (or even worse, take longer than expected).

3. Ask Probing Questions

As the Scrum Master, your job is to help the team understand what they are doing right and what they can improve on.

You might ask questions such as:

  • How do you feel about this problem?
  • What did we do when we came across this problem in the past?
  • How will you know if our solution has worked or not?

4. Facilitate Conflict Resolution

The Scrum Master should facilitate conflict resolution. This means helping team members understand each other’s points of view, and help them understand the importance of resolving conflicts quickly. The Scrum Master can do this by asking questions like:

  • What happened?
  • Why did it happen?
  • Who did what?
  • When did it happen?

5. Play the Role of the Servant Leader

The Scrum Master should be a servant leader. Servant leaders are selfless, humble, and focused on the team. They don’t micromanage or try to control people by using authority over them.

They focus on providing freedom for their team members to work efficiently and effectively together as a whole unit so that they can achieve their goals without any issues arising from any conflicts within their organization or between different departments within an organization.

The role of a servant leader requires you to be a coach as well as a manager; both roles may be played at different times depending on your situation (e.g., if you are coaching someone, then you need not act like a manager).

As mentioned earlier, coach implies someone who provides guidance while manager implies someone who takes decisions related to resources management etcetera

6. Coach your Team to Become T-Shaped

T-shaped people are well-rounded in their skills. They have a deep understanding of a specific area, but can also communicate with others in different areas. T-shaped people are valuable because they can communicate across different areas of the business, which leads to better ideas being implemented and more effective results.

7. Take Part in Retrospectives

The Scrum Master should take part in retrospectives.

Retrospectives are a great way to ensure that the team is still on track, and they give you the opportunity to learn from your mistakes. They also allow you to gain insight into how other teams work, which can help you improve your own process as well as advance your skills as a Scrum Master or Product Owner (PO).

  • What Is A Retrospective? *

A retrospective is an event where all members of a team meet together after their sprints have ended so that they can think about what went well and what could be improved upon going forward. Most of the time, retrospectives happen every week or every two weeks, depending on how often tasks need to be finished during each cycle.

In general, there should be no more than three days between meetings; if necessary, two meetings over three days will work just fine as well!

8. Build a Trusting, Safe Environment

The Scrum Master is responsible for creating a trusting, safe environment. As the servant leader, he or she should be:

  • A coach who helps team members to develop their skills.
  • A facilitator who works with the product owner and development team to help them understand the context around their work so that they can make informed decisions on how best to do it.
  • A teacher guides others in getting more out of themselves by learning from other people’s experiences (e.g., by observing mentoring sessions).

9. Help Developers Make Decisions and Prioritise their Work

As a Scrum master, you should be able to help developers make decisions and prioritize their work.

Developers should also be able to communicate with other team members, like product owners and stakeholders.

10. Share Knowledge of Scrum across the Organisation

The Scrum Master should be a role model for other team members in the organization. They should share their knowledge of Scrum with them and help them to implement it.

This can be done by:

  • Sharing information about how to use Scrum at work (e.g., tools and practices) through training sessions or workshops;
  • Organizing events where you can meet others who are interested in using Scrum;
  • Helping people get started with using Scrum by providing resources or templates so that they can learn more about it before starting work on their own projects


So, what techniques can the Scrum Master use? It’s not an easy question to answer. There are many ways in which a Scrum Master could facilitate team development and increase a sense of safety and trust. The key is to do something that helps the team members become more effective at their work.

Featured image credit: scrum.org

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