LinkedIn Confidential Job Posting: How To Write A Professional, Effective Job Posting


‍If you’re an active LinkedIn user, you probably spend a fair amount of time perusing the site for new job opportunities. With that being said, it’s safe to assume that most users will be much more inclined to apply for your position if they find your posting appealing and professional. After all, we all want to stand out in a positive light when browsing potential employers. To help you create a winning resume, we sat down with Jessica Lefler, LinkedIn Expert, and Recruiter at Indeed who has helped thousands of clients find their perfect job match by creating an eye-catching profile and job postings.

What is a LinkedIn Confidential Job Posting?

A LinkedIn Confidential job posting is a short but powerful description of an open position that is posted on LinkedIn. It is designed to attract the attention of highly qualified candidates looking for work and to help employers find the best matches. A Confidential posting is designed to be short and enticing enough to catch the attention of the right candidates while giving employers the chance to provide the most important information about the job and the employer. Because of how it’s designed, a Confidential posting is one of the most effective ways to get a high-quality, targeted pool of candidates for a job opening. You can create a LinkedIn Confidential posting in two ways: By uploading a Word document to your LinkedIn profile, or using the LinkedIn “Post a Job” feature.

How to make a confidential job posting on LinkedIn

LinkedIn confidential job posting is best done when you don’t want to associate your posting with your company.

If you are wondering how to post confidential jobs on LinkedIn, the guide below will be of great help to you.

  1. Create a job post on LinkedIn.
  2. Scroll to the company section, and enter “Confidential company” or any name you want to use other that your real company name.

Best practices for LinkedIn confidential job posting

Tip #1: Be honest about the role’s responsibilities

When it comes to job posting, honesty is the best policy. While it’s tempting to paint a rosy picture of your role, it would be best to be truthful about the job’s responsibilities. This is because the more honest you are about the job’s duties, the more qualified candidates you’ll attract. In addition, a level-headed approach to listing the job duties will show that you’re in control of the situation and have a pragmatic outlook on the role’s demands. Make sure that you list all of the responsibilities included in the job, even if they aren’t as desirable as you would like them to be. If you downplay the role’s duties, you run the risk of finding yourself in a situation where you don’t have the necessary experience to handle day-to-day operations. Do yourself a favor, and be honest about the role’s responsibilities right from the start.

Tip #2: Explain how the job benefits the company

Employers and hiring managers often assume that candidates are interested in their roles due to the salary or benefits package associated with the job. After all, who doesn’t want to earn a six-figure salary and receive a robust benefits package? However, it’s important to explain why the job is important to the company. This is because it will show that you’re eager to make an impact and are more interested in contributing to the organization’s success rather than receiving a lavish compensation package. In addition, it will give interviewers an idea of what you expect to accomplish as a member of the team. While salaries and benefits packages are important, they’re also negotiable. Once you’re hired, you can leverage your desire to make an impact and have a positive effect on the company’s success as a whole.

Tip #3: Include a skill requirement

Similar to the job duties, you’ll likely be asked to list the qualifications required to work for your organization. However, many employers fail to outline this information in their job postings, which can be a major turnoff for qualified candidates. If you include a skill required in your posting, you’ll be able to weed out unqualified candidates who don’t meet the organization’s requirements. Not only will this help you prioritize the best candidates for the job, but it will also reduce your workload and save you valuable time. To determine the skill requirements for your position, consult with your current employees and colleagues, as well as your company’s HR department to get a better idea of what you’re looking for in an ideal candidate. By outlining these skill requirements, you’ll not only be able to identify the most qualified candidates, but you’ll also be able to identify those who aren’t as experienced.


Tip #4: Write an action sentence for each benefit listed

When it comes to describing the positive aspects of your organization and job, you’ll want to make each benefit stand out as much as possible. This will help readers understand what makes your organization special, and how your job would benefit them as an employee. Employers sometimes get too caught up in trying to sell the company and job, but fail to explain how the role would benefit the employee. In order to write an effective action sentence, you’ll want to keep the following in mind: – Make each sentence concise and to the point. – Stick to the point, and don’t stray off topic. – Emphasize the most important aspects. – Avoid using too many fluff words and marketing jargon. – Make sure to use the same tense throughout your sentence.

Tip #5: Confirm your posting’s effectiveness before publishing

If you’re ready to publish your job posting, you may have a few finishing touches left to add. Before publishing your post, you should ask yourself these questions:

– Have I listed all of the job duties?

– Have I included a skill requirement?

– Have I explained how the job benefits the company?

– Have I written an action sentence for each benefit listed?

If you can answer yes to each question, you’re ready to publish your post! After you’ve published your job posting, open a new browser tab and navigate to your LinkedIn profile. Look for the “Edit” button, and select “Edit my posts”. Once you’ve scrolled down to your post, take a look at it, and see if there are any changes that need to be made before you publish your post to the world. If everything looks good, click “Publish” to share your post with the world. With that said, it’s important to always keep the above tips in mind when publishing your job posting. By doing so, you’ll be able to create a winning we’re hiring post, and attract the attention of the best candidates.

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