Blockchain Developers Salary


How much do blockchain developers make? In this article, you’ll learn about the average salary of a blockchain developer.

The salary of a blockchain developer depends on the market demand for blockchain development, their expertise, and experience. In general, blockchain developers earn a high salary.

As mentioned earlier, there is currently an increased demand for blockchain developers due to the rapid adoption of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Etherium. The demand for blockchain developers will remain strong in the future, which means that it’s possible to command a higher salary than other software engineers.

According to Hired, Blockchain Developers are the highest paid engineers in the world, earning an average of $150k per year. If your goal is to become a blockchain developer, it’s important to understand how much you can expect to make as a blockchain developer.

You’ll find that there’s quite a bit of variance in what people earn as blockchain developers based on their location and experience level. Based on our research, we found that:

  • In the US: The average annual salary for a Blockchain Developer is $150k per year
  • In Europe: The average annual salary for a Blockchain Developer is 120k per year
  • In Asia (excluding Japan): The average annual salary for a Blockchain Developer is 100k per year

Blockchain developer salary according to

The salary of a blockchain developer varies between $80k to $200k per year, depending on the location and experience.


In big cities that have more blockchain development companies, the salary is higher than in smaller cities with fewer opportunities.

Blockchain consultants command an even higher salary than full-time developers because they can work remotely from anywhere in the world and are not tied to any particular company or location.

Blockchain developers that have leadership skills or have knowledge about a particular niche can attract an even higher salary

How to make more money as a blockchain developer?

Salary is higher in big cities that have more blockchain development companies.

If you want to be a blockchain developer and make lots of money, it’s best to live in a big city. That’s because there are more blockchain developers in big cities, which means demand is higher than supply. This also means that companies will pay more for your services. You’ll also have access to more opportunities if you live in a bigger city as well—all things being equal, the cost of living will be higher for these places too (though not always).

Blockchain consultants command an even higher salary than full-time developers.

The reason for the difference in pay between full-time developers and consultants is simple: They command higher rates because they have more experience. They can also charge more because they’re not tied to a company with set work hours, and many will work remotely for clients.

Consultants are in demand, especially as blockchain becomes an integral part of everyday business processes. Blockchain experts are highly sought after by companies that want to use the technology but don’t have the resources or experience on hand to do it themselves. This can mean higher income for those who take on consulting jobs from clients who want them

Blockchain developers that have leadership skills or have knowledge about a particular niche can attract an even higher salary.

The blockchain developer salary can vary depending on the leadership skills and knowledge of a particular niche. For example, if you’re able to develop a blockchain platform that has a specific use case, then you will be in demand as an expert in that field. Being able to provide consulting services for businesses and startups is also another way to attract clients.

In addition, having leadership skills can help you earn more money as well. This means that if you have experience running teams or managing projects for clients, this would be an added advantage for your resume when it comes time for negotiation with potential employers or clients.

There are huge opportunities for talented people interested in becoming blockchain developers.

The blockchain industry is growing fast and there are many opportunities for talented people who want to get involved. Blockchain developers are in high demand, have a lot of freedom in their work, and can make a good income. As the technology becomes more mainstream, we’re going to see even more growth as well as more jobs opening up for developers with experience in this area.


There are a lot of opportunities for blockchain developers to make money, and the salaries vary based on the market demand and experience. In general, the salary of full-time blockchain developers is around $100k per year, while experienced consultants can command up to $200k per year.

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