How Easy Is It to Get A Job On LinkedIn?


Are you wondering how to search a job on LinkedIn, or how to get your dream job on LinkedIn very fast?

With the increase in internet users and the number of employers looking for young talents online to employ into their various firms, it is becoming highly competitive by day for one to secure a job online. LinkedIn is one of most reliable places to get a real job online and start making money even you’re working from home. Thank goodness for the availability of work from home jobs on LinkedIn, but however, should you post on LinkedIn that you are looking for a job? No, you don’t have to do that, most people we have interacted with, said they’re not comfortable disclosing they’re looking for a job, this could probably be their own way of not appearing desperate for a LinkedIn job online.

LinkedIn is a great way to find jobs and connect with people in your industry. It’s also an effective way to network for future opportunities, build your professional brand, and get hired! If you haven’t used LinkedIn before but want to start building your profile and getting recruiters talking about your skillset, here are some tips for getting started:

The first step is to make sure you have a great profile.

The first step is to make sure you have a great profile. You don’t want to go through all this trouble and then find out that no one can see it because of some technical issue or spelling mistake. There are so many Linkedin about examples for job seekers on the internet today.

  • Make sure your profile is complete and accurate to attract recruiters interest.
  • Use keywords in your profile summary, headline and experience section (if you have one). If possible, include a keyword below the photo so people will know what kind of person they are hiring right away!
  • Use keywords in the education section if there’s one (you may need help with this). Also try using keywords here as well—it doesn’t have to be perfect but just try not let them get lost among everything else!

Update your work history

If you want to win at LinkedIn job search, it is important that you update your work history regularly.

You should update your work history as you move from job to job, and make sure that all of the information is correct. For example, if you’ve worked at a company for two years and then left without giving proper notice, include this in your profile so that recruiters can see how long and consistently successful you’ve been with each role. You could even include an annotation like “resigned due to new opportunity.” If there’s any reason why a particular position should not appear on LinkedIn (for example, if it was short-lived or part-time), then remove it entirely!


Create a summary.

You should have a summary of your job history. A summary is an introduction to your profile, so it should be a few sentences long and interesting. It should also be written in the third person (for example, “John Smith has worked for many companies.”).

Add your location.

Location is an important factor for both job seekers and recruiters. While there are many ways to find jobs, LinkedIn is one of the best search tools out there because it provides a professional network through which you can build relationships with people who work at companies that you want to join.

When creating your profile, add your location so that other members will be able to see where you live or where they might be hiring right now. You may even decide later on in life that moving somewhere new would be good for both personal growth and career advancement—so make sure this information is available before making any big decisions!

Fill out the rest of your profile.

Now that you’ve filled out the first half of your profile, it’s time to add some more information. You can add a photo, education and skills section, awards and accolades section and volunteer work. If you have any publications or media published on LinkedIn (e.g., articles in magazines), these should be added here as well. Finally, if you are active on social media sites like Twitter or Instagram—or any other social networking platforms—add them here too!

Verify your email and phone number so recruiters can contact you directly.

Once you’ve applied, LinkedIn will ask you to verify your email address and phone number so that recruiters can contact you directly. You should also make sure that the email address is current and valid—if it isn’t, change it before applying for jobs on LinkedIn.

Verifying your contact information helps recruiters know who they’re talking to and makes it easier for them to get in touch with you when they have questions or want more information about a job opportunity.

Start networking with people you know.

One of the best ways to get a job on LinkedIn is by doing what everyone else does: networking, building connection and engaging with other people’s content which shows you are actively searching.

If you’re in your field, find people who are already doing the job you want and start talking with them about how much money they make and the type of work they do. If they’re hiring for that position, ask if there’s any way you can help them out (by sending out resumes). You could even pitch yourself as someone who would fit well into their team!

If all else fails, try looking up companies or individuals who are hiring for similar positions—you might be able to find an open position that’s right up your alley!

Check out what others in your field are doing to benchmark yourself against them.

As you look at the jobs you want to apply for, take note of what other people are doing. Look at how they’re applying for them, how they’re responding to them and what kind of experience they’ve had with that company or organization. If someone has been working there for five years and it looks like a great fit for your skillset, reach out!

If someone else has posted about something similar to the job description on LinkedIn (and if there are no obvious reasons why), consider reaching out anyway — even if it’s not exactly what yours is seeking. You never know: another candidate may apply with their own unique perspective on things; this way, both parties get more information about each other’s abilities before making a decision about whether or not these two companies will be good matches.

Pay attention to how other people create job posts and respond to them.

  • Pay attention to how other people create job posts and respond to them.
  • Take note of the keywords that people use when describing their company, as well as how they describe themselves in the post. This can give you an idea of what type of position they’re looking for and if it matches yours at all!
  • Also take note of any questions that are asked in a job description—this will help you figure out whether or not this particular request aligns with your own interests or skillset. If it does (or if there are any gaps), apply!

Video on how to use LinkedIn to land a job


I hope this guide has been helpful for you and your next job search on LinkedIn. If you’re still looking for more advice on how to make the most of your profile, check out this article that covers the basics of creating a great profile. Once you have everything set up, it’s time to start networking with people who could help you get hired!

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